Global setup of doctrine plugin for symfony1.1.
Here is a small tutorial to make available your doctrine plugin for all of your projects residing on the shared server.
I have ubuntu 8.04 LTS box. Default symfony installation is located under “/usr/share/php/symfony/”. Locate whatever your installation directory of symfony and type following commands:
$ cd /usr/share/php/symfony/ $ svn co \ \ plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin $ cd plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/config $ vi autoload.yml
do following modifications
#path: <?php echo realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib') . "\n"; ?> path: %SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR%/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib
Then save that file and create new file “config.php” with the following script
set_include_path( get_include_path(). PATH_SEPARATOR.dirname(__FILE__). '/../lib/'. PATH_SEPARATOR.sfConfig::get('sf_root_dir') );
Now doctrine plugin will be available for all of your projects located on same shared server.